It’s estimated that there are billions of dollars of unclaimed funds and taxes owed that are sitting in government coffers, waiting for someone to come forward and claim them. While the process of tracking these funds down can be intimidating, it’s a lot easier than you might think. Here’s how to find unclaimed funds in 2023.
The first step is identifying which state or federal agency holds your unclaimed funds or owed taxes. Depending on where you live and what type of assets you have, this could be anything from a state treasurer office to the U.S. Treasury Department. Luckily, there are several websites that can help you locate the right agency quickly and easily. One popular website is MissingMoney.com, which searches records from all 50 states and some Canadian provinces to help locate missing assets. It’s free to search and use the website’s services—all you need is your name, address, Social Security number (SSN), driver’s license number (if applicable), or other information related to your assets.
Once you’ve identified which agency holds your unclaimed funds or taxes owed, it’s time to start the claims process—and here’s where things can get complicated if you don’t have the right information or documents needed for filing your claim. Make sure you thoroughly research the requirements for filing a claim with whatever agency holds your unclaimed funds or owes taxes so that you’re prepared when it’s time to fill out paperwork or answer questions about your identity. Additionally, it’s important to note that some agencies may require a fee before they release money owed; make sure that any payment plan utilized is secure and legitimate before transferring money anywhere associated with an unclaimed fund or tax debt situation.
Finding unclaimed funds in 2023 doesn’t have to be difficult—as long as you know what steps to take and which resources are available at your disposal. From locating the right agency through reputable websites like MissingMoney.com and researching requirements for filing claims with those agencies, there are plenty of ways for everyday people—especially those living on low incomes—to track down their unclaimed funds quickly and securely so they can reap their just rewards! So don’t wait; start searching today!